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Flash Tube for Digitalis 200/400/600

Katalognummer: FY7773
Hersteller: FOMEI
Garantie: 6 Monate (Firmen 6 Monate)

Xenon flash tube Perkin Elmer for Digitalis 200, 400, 600. Studio flashes with E27 thread for pilot bulb (Older version). The lifetime of the lamp is approx. 100 000 flashes. Not user replaceable.

Weniger als 5 St.
€ 117,80

New line of flash heads Digitalis is a new way for amateur and hobby photographers, students of photography, graphic art and advertisement or for companies product photostudios.

Digitalis line has the same bajonet for attaching accessories as Digital (Bowens) line so it offers a wide range of accessories to form and soft the light.

The power of the flash is possible to control in several steps: full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/64. The power of the pilot bulb is 100 W without posibility of regulation.

Digitalis line is produced in a new modern design and is suitable for use with battery generator Power Star-1.

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