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ONE PRINT | photo printing software

Product code: EX21000
Producer: FOMEI
Warranty: 24 months (Company 24 months)

ONE SCREEN - ONE SOFTWARE Photoprinting has never been easier - One Print is a modular printing software for minilabs, event photographers and ID studios.

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€ 377.60
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Photo printing software for professional photographers 

Unique modular software ONE PRINT from first idea concieved to make easier  the way from image data to papere photos. Intuitiv controls is clearly arranged on one screen for the most effective process OPEN > EDIT > PRODUCE. Besides it have software ONE PRINT fully functional color management module (CMS) and not only at the exit, but also at the entrance. Its first photo print software this type, in which it can be loaded data with different inserteed icc profiles (sRGB, Adobe RGB, ProPhoto, atd.).

What does modular mean? Each according to their own requirement to software can buy a lot of extensions, which you can enrich your obohatí svůj ONE PRINT o další funkce.It could save your wallet, because you dont have to buy expensive software, from which you only use a fraction of its functions. WITH ONE PRINT you always use 100% of what you need.


What does the basic version of ONE PRINT do?

  • Import files such as jpg, tif(f), bmp, and png
  • Basic photo editing - brightness, contrast, saturation, color correction
  • Conversation of color photos, to black and white or sephia
  • Free cropping of photos, including rotation
  • Fit to format (FIT IN-IN) / turn off format (FILL-IN)
  • Add a white frame
  • Complete color management for input and output to print
  • Printing of photos on connected printers


What does the PLUS extension offer for advanced functions?

  • Opening RAW files
  • Automatic adjustments
  • Sharpening of photos
  • Custom frame with any color and size
  • Add decorative frames, calendars and other graphics to photos
  • Display photo name and resolution 
  • Full-screen preview in high resolution
  • Print index prints 

ID extension offers features for editing ID card photos

  • Preparation od ID card photos
  • Color adjustments, including conversation to black and white photos
  • Fine rotation of photos
  • Control of cropping and position using rulers
  • Insertion of logos and contacts
  • Option to specify number of cells before printing
  • Editing of preset or custom dimensions
  • Automatic start od ONE PRINT to ID mode

The ORDERS extension for order management will offer

  • Saving orders with all edits included
  • Displaying orders in a clear list
  • Detailed information about orders
  • Preview of the first and last photo in the order
  • Sorting orders by number and creation date
  • Short-term and long-term archiving of orders
  • Reopening orders with the possibility of editing
  • Repeated printing of orders

The EVENT extension for photography at social events can

  • Printing photos with any graphics
  • Clear selection of graphics including previews
  • Semi-automatic and automatic printing (so-called hot folders printing)
  • Insertion of present graphics into the printed photograph
  • Automatic start of ONE PRINT in EVENT mode

What printer is ONE PRINT compatible with?

ONE PRINT can print to any printer that has a print driver installed in the operating system.

However, the greatest convenience is provided to users of all DNP printers, which ONE PRINT can control directly, without a print driver. Direct printer control has many advantages - for example, printing, control over print resolution, no need to monitor the USB port of the printer, etc. It also works well with other printers.

It minimizes the need  to visit print drivers and offers everything in a clear printing menu.

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